What Are the highest Reasons for SMEs and Startups to Use Cloud Computing?

cloud computing

 Cloud Computing may be a new breed of technology that's extensively used today. Many companies are developing technologies that are changing the outlook of companies , may be a sort of internet based computing where various services are delivered to an organization's computer through the web . Moreover, there are numerous definitions for cloud computing like computers for rent on the web , virtualized servers, storage in sky etc. rather than using local servers or personal devices to handle applications, it involves sharing of computing resources.

it is not required to create individual servers or built data centres space, or software licensing etc. Also, entrepreneurs got to buy the cloud service as per usage almost like electricity. there's no cost just in case . Thus, cloud computing is essentially computational power on demand, that's uniformly available like electricity.

There are three layers:

*Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS refers to software that's deployed over the web . for instance, Dropbox, Gmail are SaaS. The services offered are paid in nature. for instance, Google Apps for enterprise can only be availed by paying for the service. SaaS are applications that are consumed by users. the foremost popular SaaS enterprise tool is Salesforce.com that's an enterprise CRM application.

* Platform as a Service (PaaS): The PaaS is one level below SaaS that is a computing platform or solution stack as a service. Entrepreneurs got to deploy the answer stack on top of the appliance software. the answer stack would comprise of a managed database and therefore the OS would be loaded on thereto. There also consists of runtime environments for various programming languages.

* Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): It refers to virtualized IT infrastructure as a service. These comprise of virtualization, servers, network, and storage. the foremost popular IaaS are Amazon Web Service and Rackspace.

The following are the explanations for SMEs and startups

* No cost and Pay as you Go: Cloud computing doesn't incur any cost and it's available as a "pay to use" service. SMEs and startups just need to check-in for the cloud service and use the computational power and pay the bill. Thus, there's no investment required with reference to data center resources, servers, licensing etc.

* Elastic Capacity: Elastic capacity refers to adding or removing of servers that are hosting applications when required. Elastic capacity helps in handling any load and also helps in increasing the computational power to support the load.

* Self Service: Cloud computing is extremely API driven and self-service oriented. No guidance or infrastructure is required to know cloud computing.

* Automation: A startup can automate a lot of processes so as to sustain an application. for instance, in any technology venture, any application is first deployed on a development environment, then to check environment then to production environment. the appliance can work effectively if the three environments are automated.



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